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Why ‘Joy Dressing’ Is Summer’s Biggest Fashion Trend

We’ve spent months facing uncertainty, wrapped in gray fleece. Now, as more Americans get vaccinated, exuberant, over-the-top clothes herald happiness, relief and new beginnings.

A YEAR AGO, an awe-struck child accosted me on Sixth Avenue as I was heading to the supermarket. “Are you Lady Gaga?” she shouted from a safe, 6-foot distance. Much to her and my chagrin, I’m not, but her question had validity. I was, after all, sporting 5-inch heels, fishnets and a new shocking-pink satin shorts suit—one of my more curious purchases given that I’m a color-averse New Yorker. As I shook my head no, her father chortled. She grinned and grabbed his hand. I welled up behind my Saturn-size sunglasses. This overdressed grocery run was my first outing after recovering from Covid. I felt lucky, relieved, giddy and, apparently, I looked Lady Gaga-level fabulous.

According to Dr. Jennifer Baumgartner, a clinical psychologist in Washington, D.C., we humans use clothing to mark significant events, like making it through a global pandemic. And as U.S. cities reopen, friends reunite and the world becomes a smidgen less terrifying, women are reaching for exuberant outfits—like my I-survived-Covid pink suit—that proclaim “Woohoo!” and fete the occasion. I was admittedly ahead of the curve.

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