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New - Cyclist Couple Kissing And they lived happily ever after poster, canvas

New - Cyclist Couple Kissing And they lived happily ever after poster, canvas

Sharp Dressed Men: Local fashion influencers raise the bar on style

“Technically, I’ve been into fashion since I opened my eyes,” Mohammed Al Nazal told me during our interview.

There was never a fashion awakening for him; it had just always been there.

Growing up in Iraq, Al Nazal remembers his father “fully suited” for as long as he knew him. He was classy. He had suits made from British wool and other fine materials from the 1970s to ‘90s.

When his father passed away in 1997, Al Nazal inherited his suit collection, only fueling his fashion love affair. At the time, he was a teenager, and the suits were too big for him. When he finally grew into them, they were out of style.

“And then they came back into style, and I outgrew them,” Al Nazal said with a laugh.

But his father’s style stuck with him, influencing his own look.

Al Nazal considers himself a suit-and-tie guy. He’s drawn to the 1940s through ‘60s style—a “classic narrow tie with a slim suit.”

Al Nazal works an I.T. position at Select Medical. When he’s in the office, he’s wearing a suit, or at least a tie, and is typically the most dressed up in the room.

“I think real men wear suits and ties…at least suits…at least a jacket,” he said. “I’m not a big fan of what menswear is now in general.”

Al Nazal is one of a small pool of men’s fashion social media influencers in the Harrisburg area. He’s been posting pictures of his outfits for around five years, filling a gap that he sees.

There’s no shortage of fashion on Instagram, his platform of choice, but there is a shortage of male influencers, especially in the central PA area. According to Al Nazal, the majority of fashion influencers on social media are women. He hopes his account will help men find their style, and, at least, put on a jacket.

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